Application Form (P-11) in Word or PDF
format for external candidates
Vacancy announcements/
Avis de vacance de poste/
Anuncios de puestos vacantes
- 04/OHCHR/051/COLOMBIA, Human Rights Officer, L-3, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Colombia, Bucaramanga , Colombia, (5 July 2004)
- 04/OHCHR/050/GAZA, Human Rights Officer, L-3, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Gaza, Gaza (OccupiedPalestinianTerritory), (29 June 2004)
- 04/OHCHR/049/MINUSTAH, Chief of Human Rights Section, D-1, United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), Haiti, (25 June 2004)
- 04/OHCHR/048/MINUSTAH, Human Rights Officer, P-4 (5 posts), United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), Haiti, (25 June 2004)
- 04/OHCHR/047/MINUSTAH, Human Rights Section, P-3 (10 posts), United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), Haiti, (25 June 2004)
- 04/OHCHR/046/MINUSTAH, Associate Human Rights Officer, P-2 ( 6 posts), United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), Haiti, (25 June 2004)
- 04/OHCHR/044/UNMIL (Readvertisement of VA 03/OHCHR/079/UNMIL), Human Rights Officer, P-4 (3 posts), United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Liberia, (23 June 2004)
- 04/OHCHR/043/UNMIL (Readvertisement of VA 03/OHCHR/080/UNMIL), Human Rights Officer, P-3 (4 posts), United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Liberia, (23 June 2004)